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Rodent Control


Packrats, gophers and prairie dogs are particularly damaging to your property, vehicles and health.


Mice and packrats will often make nests in engines, chew wires, and even find their way inside your vehicle. There are many methods of deterring and eliminating them.


  • Mothballs and peppermint are often used but rodents will become "immune" to the scent and it no longer works.

  • Some residents use a strobe light device under the hood of their vehicles to deter the rodents from entering. An example of this device is here.


Another effective device is "rat zappers," a battery operated unit that electrocutes the rodent quickly and "humanely."


Here are some unit options:

  • One of our neighborhood favorites is the Victor, which can be found here.

  • Another Victor unit is wi-fi enabled that sends you a text when it is triggered - you can find that unit here. Just note that if used outdoors these units must stay out of the rain.

  • Live trap units are also available - this is one from Victor. Just remember, the rodents need to be relocated about two miles away or they'll come back.


The Feed Bin and Big Joe's locally carry similar options.


Mice and other rodents can carry serious diseases such as hantavirus and plague and precautions should be taken when trapping and handling rodents. 

NM Department of Health's information on Hantavirus

Download the pamphlet on safe handling for Hantavirus


NM Department of Health's information on the Plague

Download the fact sheet on the Plague


For trapping/removal, some of our community members have used:

Gopher Gal

Johanna Moulton

505-660 2163

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